AGENTS OF CHANGE: Project Polymer

AGENTS OF CHANGE: Project Polymer

AGENTS OF CHANGE: Project Polymer is a spy-genre short film featuring transgender actors of color in one of the most popular cinema genres in the world. Agents Evelyn Quinn and Guy Longani are on a mission to expose a network of dirty politicians involved in an illegal plastic dumping scheme spearheaded by Ian Dick, a plastic-lovin' businessman who only cares about making money. But teamwork doesn't come easy to these two, with the more experienced Quinn frustrated by having to work with a newbie agent, and perhaps even more annoyed that she finds him charming. Can these two get it together and find the secret thumb drive they're looking for, or will Ian Dick catch them in the act and continue his reign as the "duke" of dirty plastic?

AGENTS OF CHANGE: Project Polymer


  • AGENTS OF CHANGE: Project Polymer

    AGENTS OF CHANGE: Project Polymer is a spy-genre short film featuring transgender actors of color in one of the most popular cinema genres in the world. Agents Evelyn Quinn and Guy Longani are on a mission to expose a network of dirty politicians involved in an illegal plastic dumping scheme spea...