Bros Before

Bros Before

A campy sexy comedy about a trans man's gay awakening created by Henry Hanson.

Elijah and Billy are two trans bros who just happen to enjoy jerking off together -- in a straight way! But when Billy starts dating a woman -- the intimidating, sharp-tongued Grace -- Elijah must come to terms with his feelings for Billy and his own burgeoning homosexuality.

Film Festivals:

Nightingale Festival (Chicago, IL)
Wicked Queer: Boston’s LGBTQ+ Film Festival
Inside Out Toronto 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival
San Francisco Transgender Film Festival
Seattle Queer Film Festival
Transition international queer & minorities film festival (Vienna, Austria)
Trans Film Festival Stockholm
Vancouver Queer Film Festival
Indie Memphis Film Festival
Flip the Script Fest (Minneapolis, MN)
TRANSlations: Seattle Trans Film Festival
Trans Stellar Film Festival (Detroit, MI)
Official Trans Pride Brighton Annual Film Event (Award Winner for Best Cinematography)
Free Yr Dick at Facets Cinematheque (Chicago, IL)
Dykes to Watch Out For (Minneapolis, MN)
Exposures (Montreal, CA)
Seen Presents: Cactus Club (Milwaukee, WI)
Seen Presents: Blue Room (Sheboygen, WI)
qFEST (Split, Croatia)
Queer Biennial at Tom of Finland Foundation (Los Angeles, CA)
La Fête du Slip (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Starr Bar (NYC)
Millenium Film (NYC)
Small Trans Library (Dublin, Ireland)
Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest (London, England)
Solidarity Cinema @ Open Books (Chicago, IL)
Sweet Void Shorts Fest (Chicago, IL)
Otherness Archive at Entre (Rio Grande Valley, TX)
Stove Works (Chatanooga, TN)
Lost and Found @ AFS (Austin, TX)
Tom Thumb Theater (Margate, England)
Queer City Cinema (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)

Bros Before
  • Bros Before

    Elijah and Billy are two trans bros who just happen to enjoy jerking off together -- in a straight way! But when Billy starts dating a woman -- the intimidating, sharp-tongued Grace -- Elijah must come to terms with his feelings for Billy and his own burgeoning homosexuality.

    Film Festivals:
