Short Films
"Triggers" is a short film that centers Black women and girls’ trauma. A poetic journey through the weight of witness, the stories of Marissa Alexander and other instances of intimate partner violence that I witnessed as an adult and a child are central. I talk to my former little Black girl self. This piece honors her struggle and the struggles of little Black girls everywhere. What does it mean to hold the history of a little Black girl in my trans-male body? Or better, how does it feel?
// CAST //
Julian Glover
Anna Martine Whitehead
Mlondi Zondi
// CREW //
Kai Green // Writer, Director, Producer, Camera
Aymar Jean Christian // Producer, Camera
Anna Martine Whitehead // Producer
James Welch // Director of Art and Photography
Alex Warshawsky // Director of Music
Zach Marley // Recording and Mixing Engineer
Bennie Niles // Camera
Band // Joe Tange, Zakk Garner, Matt Kowalski, Gomeh Barak, Alex Warshawsky
Up Next in Short Films
Inertia is a visual musical experience by Brandon Markell Holmes. An exploration of black thought, existence & trauma ; through the lens of [MODERN Technological Narcissism]&[The Civil Rights Movement] - into the premature journey of Black JOY , acceptance, Existential tyranny , Religion ...
ambivert, with audio description
A meditation in manic visuals and ethereal sounds. Transmuting energy from chronic pain, anxiety, and lethargy into thrusting sexual freedom, joy, anger, empathy for self and communities of color.
BY Ester Alegria
Audio description directed by Kevin Gotkin, New York University.
Reality Is Not Good Enough (2016)
Rashayla Marie Brown tries to make a film subverting racial and gender stereotypes about reality television using her family as a subject. Instead, she ends up questioning her relationships, the stability of her mother to withstand the project, and the challenges of independent filmmaking in gene...