Drama-comedy short created by Brazilian filmmaker, Roger Ghil.
1ST Zé runs a repair shop where he toils over the dregs and discards of his suburban seaside town. Zé is a black bisexual middle-aged man looking for love, and facing down the traumas of colonialism to find a new kind of freedom. But can he learn to mend his relationship with himself?
2ND Brazil, 2022. Zé is a black bissexual middle-aged man who owns a repair shop at a suburb in Vila Velha (Old Village). As a new tenant arrives at his mother's hotel, he talks to ancient african deities trying to solve his love affair and self-love issues, but an old friend is always trying to keep him doing the same things as always.
26ª MOSTRA DE CINEMA DE TIRADENTES | 52ND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM | Kalaburagi International Film Festival | The African Film Festival | Big Apple Film Festival | Chicago Underground Film Festival | World Cinema Carnival | IV Mostra de Cinema de São Félix | 5ª Mostra Quelly | 22ª Mostra Goiânia de Curtas | 34º Festival Internacional de Curtas de São Paulo - Curta Kinoforum | 51º Festival de Cinema de Gramado | 30º Festival de Cinema de Vitória | 16º Encontro de Cinema Negro Zózimo Bulbul: Brasil, África, Caribe & Outras Diásporas | NYLFF - New York Latino Film Festival | DC Shorts International Film Festival World Cinema Carnival 2023 | Into The Great Wide Open (ITGWO) 2023 | Festival van de Architectuur 2023 | 25º FestCurtasBH | 3ª Semana de Cinema de Negro de BH | 17º CineBH | V Curta na Serra |
31º Festival Mix Brasil de Cultura da Diversidade | V Mostra Quilombo de Cinema Negro e Indígena | 3ª Mostra de Cinema IFE| IV FESTIVAL GRIOT | 6º Festival Santa Cruz de Cinema | XIV Janela Internacional de Cinema | 56º Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro | XIX Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema | 40th Chicago Latino Film Festival.
AWARDS (2023)
26ª Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes
51º Festival de Cinema de Gramado
IV Mostra Griot
30º Festival de Cinema de Vitória
56º Festival de Cinema de Brasília
30º Festival de Cinema de Vitória
26ª Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes
1ST Zé runs a repair shop where he toils over the dregs and discards of his suburban seaside town. Zé is a black bisexual middle-aged man looking for love, and facing down the traumas of colonialism to find a new kind of freedom. But can he learn to mend his relationship with himself? |
2ND Bra...