The Furies
5 Episodes
The Furies is a series of five dance films that explore how social prohibitions against female anger limit self-actualization for women.
Series written and directed by Jess King.
02:52Episode 1
The Furies: Gemma (S1, E1)
Episode 1
Physicists of the quantum mechanic variety, not the Einstein variety - get with the program -
posit that where there is time, there is heat. Per this way of thinking, if you were to film the
moon traveling around the earth and then play it in reverse, both versions would appear to adhere
equally ... -
02:20Episode 2
The Furies: Dani (S1, E2)
Episode 2
There’s a moment in the life of each hermit crab when they outgrow their shells, all of a sudden:
one moment they fit, one moment they don’t. Shell-less. Home-less. Naked. They abandon their
former shells to look for a new shell, not because they planned to, but because they have no
choice but to... -
02:30Episode 3
The Furies: Sydney (S1, E3)
Episode 3
Sydney heard the woman scream in the alley. Her boyfriend said it was more of a yelp than a
scream. He told her to calm down. But how do you calm down when you hear someone being
hurt? While they bickered over the meaning of words, Sydney heard a man call the woman a
bitch, the woman cry as if st... -
02:23Episode 4
The Furies: Hannah (S1, E4)
Episode 4
Hannah’s stomach is in knots. Maybe it’s because her youngest daughter hasn’t slept in three
weeks. Maybe it’s because Hannah hasn’t slept in six. Yes. So perhaps it’s because she’s tired,
and there’s barely enough time to drop off her eldest at school and then her youngest at daycare
before she ... -
03:25Episode 5
The Furies: Elle (S1, E5)
Episode 5
The Furies is a series of five dance films that explore how social prohibitions against female anger limit self-actualization for women.
// CAST //
Elle // Jess Duffy
// CREW //
Director // Jessica King
E1 & E2 Choreographer // Erin Kilmurray
E3 Choreographer // Kaitlin Webster
E4 & E5 Ch...