Three Trembling Cities - Short Trailer
This award-winning webseries delves into the inner lives of NYC immigrants struggling with work, friends, romance, dreams and family expectations. Overshadowing their efforts is their often uncertain status – culturally, emotionally, legally. Three Trembling Cities presents a deeper, richer story about the immigrant experience.
The fictional storyline follows two ‘circles’ of characters. Urmi, Ilona, Azin, and Behrouz are part of the first circle. They’re struggling with issues of identity. Where do they belong? What is their “home” country? Do they follow their family’s dreams or their own?
Babacar, Dawit, Abdul, Madha, and Sam are part of the second circle. They’re struggling for survival. How do they make it here, with expensive rents, low-paying, difficult jobs, and very little security to fall back on?
Each episode concludes with interviews with immigrants who’ve gone through similar issues.