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Watch this video and more on OTV | Open Television


201. You Have a Script Now What? Line Producing for Low Budget/ Indie Films

2h 11m

Up Next in #OTVStudyHall - 2021

  • 202. Project Bible vs. Pitch Deck

    Participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of project bibles vs pitch materials for shows and films. What is the difference between the two and why is it important to know when you have to create each one. This masterclass will get into the details of creating pitch materials such as EP...

  • 203. What Do Execs Want? A Conversati...

    What Do Executives Want?" introduces emerging writers and directors to how they can best position themselves to work with studios, production companies, major distributors, agencies and management companies. This course explores how artists can "package" themselves and their ideas to entice execu...

  • 204. The Art of Intention: Impact Pro...

    Are you working on an amazing Film/TV project that you hope will mobilize a community? In this masterclass, OTV's Executive Director and Co-Founder, Elijah McKinnon will take you through the basics of designing an Impact Campaign for a film project that will raise awareness and inspire action. T...