Blackity Black Pride
"Triggers" is a short film that centers Black women and girls’ trauma. A poetic journey through the weight of witness, the stories of Marissa Alexander and other instances of intimate partner violence that I witnessed as an adult and a child are central. I talk to my former little Black girl self. This piece honors her struggle and the struggles of little Black girls everywhere. What does it mean to hold the history of a little Black girl in my trans-male body? Or better, how does it feel?
// CAST //
Julian Glover
Anna Martine Whitehead
Mlondi Zondi
// CREW //
Kai Green // Writer, Director, Producer, Camera
Aymar Jean Christian // Producer, Camera
Anna Martine Whitehead // Producer
James Welch // Director of Art and Photography
Alex Warshawsky // Director of Music
Zach Marley // Recording and Mixing Engineer
Bennie Niles // Camera
Band // Joe Tange, Zakk Garner, Matt Kowalski, Gomeh Barak, Alex Warshawsky
Up Next in Blackity Black Pride
Futurewomen (S1, E1): The Origins
Futurewomen is an alternate reality series about the creation of black superheroines!
The first episode, Origins, introduces viewers to Honey Pot Performance with footage from the rehearsal and first performance of Ma(s)king Her at REVIVAL, held at Chicago's Pritzker Pavilion in January 2015.
Futurewomen (S1, E2) - The Characters
Futurewomen is an alternate reality series about the creation of black superheroines!
In this episode we get a first look into the characters in Honey Pot Performance's Ma(s)king Her, a dance-theater work of speculative fiction about empowered future beings and journeywomen.
Ma(s)king Her is th...
Futurewomen (S1, E3) - The Quest
Futurewomen is an alternate reality series about the creation of black superheroines!
In this episode, we explore the stories of the characters in Honey Pot Performance's Ma(s)king Her, a dance-theater work of speculative fiction about empowered future beings and journeywomen.
Ma(s)king Her is ...